First things first, I know I didn't post anything since such a long while and that was because of my college and assignments and a lot such things. But since the lockdown, I have tried a lot new recipes and now I have a collection of those that I can post. 

And the first recipe is PIZZA! I was craving a lot for Pizza and my Instagram page used to be full of Pizza posts and because of the Lockdown scene we weren't and still aren't quite confident to order Pizzas, so one day I just decided to bake my own Pizza.

The Pizza base, the sauce and also cheese- you can make everything at home!

Pizza Base


  1. Flour- 2 1/2 cup
  2. Salt- 1 tsp
  3. Oil- 1tbsp
  4. Water- 3/4th cup
  5. Baking powder- 3 tsp
  6. Oats/Semolina- Just enough to cover the base of your rolled out dough


  1. Preheat your oven at 200 degree Centigrade
  2. Into the bowl of water, add the oil.
  3. Take the flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl and mix it.
  4. Add water slowly to it to make a dough.
  5. Once you have made the dough, cover it with a plate/lid/duster and let it rest for a 10 minutes.
  6. After a few minutes take it out, dust some flour on the counter top and start rolling the dough.( You can also follow the stretching method wherein you slowly stretch the dough or the gravitational method wherein you keep the dough near the edge and gravity does its work and it sort of stretches on its own)
  7. When you feel you have got your desired shape , dust the base of the dough with rolled oats or semolina just so that it doesn't stick to your Baking Tray.

Pizza Sauce


  1. Tomatoes- 4 (medium size )
  2. Salt- As per your taste
  3. Pepper- As per your taste
  4. Oil-1 tsp
  5. Garlic- 10 g
  6. Oregano- 3g


  1.  Take a pan and let it heat up.
  2. Add the oil and then the garlic. Saute it till you don't get the aroma. (Just be careful and do not to burn it)
  3. Now add the tomatoes.(You can cut them into dices if you want to taste the chunks of tomatoes in your pizza or chop them up if you prefer a smooth sauce)
  4. Cook the tomatoes till they aren't mushy.
  5. Add salt, pepper and oregano and mix.
  6. Cool it down and use it as your pizza sauce.

Cheese- Cream Cheese


  1. Chenna
  2. Salt- 3 tsp


  1. Blend the chenna and salt till it gets creamy.
  2. Use it on your pizza or with your sandwich or anyway you want to.

Assembling the Pizza

  1. Once you have rolled out your pizza base and covered it up with rolled oats/semolina, transfer it into a baking tray that has been greased with oil/butter.
  2. Spread the tomato sauce over it.
  3. For the toppings you can use whatever you like- I made mine with Mushrooms, Capsicums, Sweet corn and Onion slices.
  4. Put some cheese and oregano over it.
  5. Bake it at 200 degree Centigrade for 15 minutes or till the crust is golden brown.

A few things that you need to take care about-

  • Incase you have extra sauce, cool it off and store in an airtight container. It stays for around 3-5 days.
  • Be careful while adding salt to the cheese- less will make it acidic and more will make it salty. You can store it for around 10 days.

This recipe I shared was previously made by some one else. I change the ingredients and quantities as per my oven settings.I am attaching the links of the sites from where I found the recipes. You can also check out those. 

Pizza Base- Pizza Base


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